So yesterday I went to a promotion dance.They had a DJ,candy,game room,and a photo sessions.At first my frinds and I didn't know what to do so we decided to take a group picture with the friends who had come(like 11 ppl) After that,we grabbed some balloons from the dance rooms and started sounding like chipmunks saying random things like "NOOMNOOMNOOM" or "I'M HIGH HAHAHA"After that,we went to the game room to play table tennise.I was going to play with my friend,but instead she bailled out and I had to play with this guy that didn't know how to pitty me (I think e won cause he kept on having to run after the ball right after it hit the frind that bailed on me,KARMA)The party was from 7-10 pm which ment we would get hungry,so we got hipper on ring popps,skittles,and red vine<('3')>Once that was over I grabbed some of my bestest buddies that waanted to join me and started dancing(mostly jumpping up and down,swaying my hands side to side) to what ever the DJ could throw at us.It was so much fun.At the end,2 of my friends spinned in a circle collected our stuf and let 2 balloons go in the air,watching them until they were a dot in the sky.
School was fun!
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