Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sky High

So today I decided to go to Sky High Sports.Sky High Sports is an awesome play area were kids and adults can jump and bounce on trampolines.So when I heard of this place,I phone called some of my friends that I thought were likely to come and to my satisfaction, almost all of them went.Once in we got our wrists bands ,we ran straight to the trampoline section were we jumped,flipped,and attempted to flip XD.After that, we went in line to go into the foam pit.On my turn I successfully did 3 front flips in mid air before landing into the squishy foam.Since I saw how easy it was to do such a trick ,I| decided that a back flip wouldn't be as hard as that.But since luck said that doing 3 front flips was a great achievement, they decided to un-successful me be me half way tripping in mid air.I have no idea how that happened, so I blamed it on my lack of luck.After my failed attempt I decided to join my friends in a "friendly" game of dodge ball.I was cruel.People did payback.If somebody got waked in the face,before they left, the would smack them the same way.One of my friends stranded unguarded by anyone in the middle of her court to get hit of on purpose-which was really nice of her cause the rest of us lost.Unfortunately,no ball came her way -meaning if she didn't hit any one nobody would want to hit her back...For the next game all of my friends attended the game-by cutting in line :D.In the last game my team beat a 11 year old kid(last one standing) which was pretty sad because our team consisted of 7th grader to I think 12th graders O.O.At the end of the game we got kicked out because we only payed for an hour($10 per person) and because we entered in at 4:10, so we left at 5:10.Over all,sky high was pretty good for an hour and a great time time to get energetic(since each court's floor and walls were trampolines )This was defiantly a great place to go :)-srry for any grammar mistakes

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