Monday, February 20, 2012

How to find RARE squishies

Sorry I haven't blogged or posted in such a long time-i've been really busy with youtube and life.Lately the crafting community has been into squishies.And if you don't know what squishies are-they are squishy thing-we perferably at the moment we like strapyaworld squishies,breadou squishies,and rare squishies.People on youtube have variouse shops and auctions to sell squishies and since we still pay with our parent's money we can buy a ton and bid up to $70 on a "rare" squishy that might of coast the person at most $10.I really got feed up with people over pricing cheap squishies so I decided to show some of my subscribers how to find some rare and cheap squishies online.

                                         it got 3 dislikes because I revealed their sellers :(