Saturday, March 31, 2012

What yummy nails you have !

I was googleing a word an thought you might be intrested in looking at this-nail art done with japanese candy!Coooool.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KONY 2012

HI you guys!Please take a look at this great video-I can't really explain to you guys a summary of it because everything that is important is in the video bellow-PLEASE GET THE WORD OUT AND HELP by informing people and showing the white house that you care about all this(making them send more tropes to Ugandi).The resolution of the problem is to get Joseph Kony found and arrested by the end of this year-thank you for your time you guys.Please help these invisible children in Africa who are getting taken away (by orders of Kony)from their families and being put to kill and be sex slaves :( .Most of them have to kill their own parents.